October 21, 2009

October 8, 2009

Paws up!! Maine’s got it goin’ on!!


respect. love. adopt.

This is totally cool — the state of Maine now has a license plate that supports animal welfare.

Maine licenseplate

Starting October 1st, drivers in Maine can purchase this special license plate that will benefit the State of Maine Animal Welfare Program. One half of proceeds from plate sales will fund investigations into animal cruelty. The other half will go towards the Help Fix Me spay/neuter program for low income citizens.

The Animal League Defense Fund has named Maine among the top five states for animal protection laws several years in a row. We say…

Yeah, Maine!! Paws up to you!!!

pawsse sig

October 1, 2009

September 30, 2009

Our servants went to Nova Scotia…

…and all we got was this pretty funky leash:

lupine leash

It’s the Ruby Cube leash from Lupine Collars & Leads. What’s so great about Lupine leashes?? Well, for one thing, they come in lots of cool colours and patterns:

lupine wing_it lupine sea_ponies lupine ducky lupine peace pup lupine trail mix lupine suzieq lupine dapper lupine puppy love

lupine bling_bonz lupine bone_hunter lupine camo-chic2 lupine doggie_dreams lupine flower_power lupine flowerpatch lupine mud-puppy lupine plum_blossom lupine tropicana lupine turtle_reef lupine wave_hound lupine woofstock

And for another thing, they come with a Guarantee (Even If Chewed):

We understand the joys and frustrations of pet ownership! Although we can't replace the legs on your kitchen table or your best pair of shoes, we can do our part to help keep your best friend out of the doghouse.

Should anything happen to accidentally damage your Lupine product - including chewing mistakes - simply mail the item to us. No receipt required.

lupine peace puppies

Even cats can wear cool Lupine collars — doesn’t it bring out the blue in her eyes…

lupine cat

Uh, yeah, so speaking of that best pair of shoes… Jackson did it!!

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September 29, 2009

Why we haven’t posted for a while

Well, honestly, it’s because we’ve been lazy. Plus the servant has been home a lot lately and was hogging the computer. But now she’s back at work, so here we are.

In honour of our laziness, here are some lazy animal pics for ya, starting with some lazy cats… what, like there’s any other kind of cat!!?? All they do is eat and sleep and scratch up your sofa…

lazy cat 2 

lazy cat

How is it possible to fall asleep in your food dish?? Dude, come on, it’s FOOD!!!! Can you not just take the 20 seconds required to gobble it all down and THEN take a nap?!

lazy cat 3

BIG lazy cat… we ain’t messin’ with this one!!

lazy lion

OK, OK, dogs are lazy too…

lazy dog 2 lazy dog

lazy dog and cat

Did someone say… SQUIRREL!?!?!?

lazy squirrel

Is he sleeping or thinking??

lazy monkey

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