October 8, 2009

Paws up!! Maine’s got it goin’ on!!


respect. love. adopt.

This is totally cool — the state of Maine now has a license plate that supports animal welfare.

Maine licenseplate

Starting October 1st, drivers in Maine can purchase this special license plate that will benefit the State of Maine Animal Welfare Program. One half of proceeds from plate sales will fund investigations into animal cruelty. The other half will go towards the Help Fix Me spay/neuter program for low income citizens.

The Animal League Defense Fund has named Maine among the top five states for animal protection laws several years in a row. We say…

Yeah, Maine!! Paws up to you!!!

pawsse sig

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Maine! Thanks for the compliment. I got one of the very 1st issued, and then "upgraded" my animal welfare plate to a vanity animal welfare plate that says "RSQAK9". I love it! Maine's definitely in the forefront of improving the lives of domestic animals, and I'm proud to live here.


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